The Ultimate Financial Toolkit To Help You Achieve True Independence.

- The TrueSave Team

Find your Business

Expected Savings and Revenue:

A Business type of "" in Zip: "" typically sees savings and additional revenue of

Please continue with the Quiz to get an accurate assessment:

Enter the year your business was etablished

How many employees does your business have? not including yourself or immediate relatives

How many W-2 employees did you retain through 2020-2021?

How many employees are in your Health Insurance plan ?

How many dependents are on your health insurance plan?

Do you own or lease your buildings?

How much do you spend on all insurance yearly ( includes Workman's comp, General Liability, and Health Insurance ?)

How much do you spend on all medical supplies yearly including, pharmaceutical, medical waste and gases (oxygen, liquid nitrogen, etc.) ?

Does your business have television screens such as in waiting room, lobby, dining area, or other public facing areas?

How many public facing television screens do you have?

What is your business' monthly revenue?

How much do you spend per month (on average) on utilities per month? (If you have multiple locations, add the utility expenses of ALL locations)

How do you primarily bill your customers?

Please Create your Free TrueSave business account to Claim your Savings!

Company Role
